At Kids Capers, we practice a combination of child led and free flow play across all age groups. This means children can access the classroom and garden spaces at their leisure. As practitioners, we then step in to enhance and support learning opportunities. Typically, as children get older, they begin to have interests, more likes and dislikes and other preferences. By following the lead of the child, it allows us to support them when they are at the height of engagement, as they play with something that captures their interest. We use Observation, Assessment and Planning to grab meaningful observations that capture your child's milestones. We then plan for the next step in your child's development.
Upon posting observations to your personal parent portal, Footsteps, you can see with ease the Intention, Implementation and Impact each activity had on your child. Throughout the year, summative assessments will be completed on your child, these summarise your child's milestones in the 7 areas of learning.