From vegetable patch
to plate
We create an environment that ensures children have healthy relationships with food. Our relationship with food starts at a very early age. During a child’s early years, it is important they receive the right messages about food and nutrition and this lays the foundation of their choices as they head off to school and later in life. We take every opportunity to teach children about food and nutrition through activities.
We have the perfect addition of our vegetable patch area at nursery, growing our own fruit and vegetables such as pears, apples and lettuce, with the help of the children, we plant the seeds, tend to them until ripe and ready for picking. Once harvested, the children take these to the kitchen for our chef, Sharon to use with her meals.
Most of our fruits are used to make home baked desserts for lunch or tea times, Sharon will take the time to head from kitchen to classroom to create these delicious recipes with the children.
The government 'Eatwell' guidance and the NHS website on 'What to feed young children' to create perfectly balanced menus for children
Eating a well-balanced diet is essential for every child’s healthy growth and development. Our menus have been developed using the nutritional guidelines for under 5’s resulting in nutritionally balanced and appetising meals, which are freshly prepared on site, each day. Drinking water is readily available for the children to access throughout the day and milk is offered at breakfast and snack times. If your baby is weaning we will support this and offer pureed meals and introduce new tastes and textures as you would at home.
We cater for dietary requirements including allergies, intolerances, vegetarian and cultural preferences.
Breakfast runs 7:30am-8:45am and has a variety of cereal options as well as toast and porridge with a drink of milk or water
We have three rolling snack times throughout the day 10am, 2pm and 5:30pm. These are provided depending on your child's session
Lunch is served at 11:30am for our babies and toddlers to allow for their routines and 12pm for our pre-school children
Our menus are seasonal, warming in the winter and cooling in the summer. We ensure that we have a freezer full of ice pops on the hottest of days to cool down and refresh!
Water is readily available throughout the day. We ask you to provide a water bottle for your child that can be kept refreshed at nursery
We provide cows milk, we have both full fat and semi-skimmed milk to suit the age and stage of your child. Milk is always provided at breakfast and snack times
'More to our meals than meets the eye'
An addition to our wonderful garden space is our designated fire pit area, which we lovingly handmade from scratch. The children helped us collect the fire wood we need from the woods, situated beyond the fields at the back of our nursery. We have our BBQ style fire where the children can cook and toast their own snacks
alongside Forest School trained practitioners, or we can simply use the Kelly Kettle to make some hot chocolate.
We have all the equipment we need to remain safe during Forest School sessions and an outside handwashing facility. This simple activity promotes a magnitude of learning for the children including, respecting rules and boundaries around safety, and cause and effect of elements. It also helps children to have trust in their abilities whilst building upon building their self-esteem and confidence as they are introduced to new experiences.
Toasting our snack
A new learning experience
Kelly Kettle to make warming drinks
Skills for life